Monday, March 10, 2008

Wellman Request to Discuss Jankowski Letter Ignored...So Far

"I think that it's very important that this be an open matter and that the public be informed," BOE Member Bill Wellman said this morning, "that's why I asked the Chairman to put it on the Agenda for the full Board Meeting tomorrow night."

But you guessed it, folks. It's not on the Agenda. But the Agenda can be amended until 24 hours before the Meeting, so let's hope.

"Apparently, the Chairman and the Superintendent are doing nothing about the issues raised by Mr. Jankowski so tomorrow night I am going to ask the Chairman to contact the Board's Counsel and find out what our legal obligations are. "

I predict that either Bill or Julie Turk will make a motion at the Meeting to have the matter added to the Agenda, a motion that must pass by a 2/3 vote. What are the odds that it will pass?

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