Tuesday, October 23, 2007

'Stop Whining About It And Take Action'

This is an e-mail that was sent to New Milford First by former Planning Alternate Pete Helmus:

New Milford First is probably right about the need to update the POCD, but so what?How about this? NMF seems to be able to raise some cash. Why not raise the cash necessary to hire an organization that can update the POCD and seems to have the education, certification, experience and expertise to do it correctly? A company that isn't front loaded with a vocal minority that will skew a POCD to their own agendas. A company like Planimetrics.(http://www.planimetrics.net/).Now that would be a first, and exactly what the Town needs!Yeah a transfer of the funds to the Town would probably be complicated but work on that too. Stop whining about it and take action!

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