Wednesday, April 9, 2008

BOF Raises Tax Increase From 3.7% to 4.1%

BOF Member Frank Wargo started the night with an impassioned speech about the importance of education and the number of engineers being turned out by the Indian education system. When asked by Chairman Bob Sherry how he expected to pay for his proposal to give 1.4 million back to the BOE, he said, "I'll work nights...but please don't print that!!!"

Further motions failed until a motion finally passed that gives $750,000 back to the BOE with a request to the Town Council that $500,000 of it come from the internal service fund. Fat chance that will happen because it would require a change to the ISF Ordinance.

Kudos to Larry Tripp who was against taking any more money out of undesignated and expressed his discomfort, along with Mark Vendetti, in basing any increase on what may come in during the year such as a sale of Century Brass or development on Route 7. "I see growth," said Mark, "But it isn't here yet."

The proposed mil rate is 22.22; tax increase 4.12%; an increase of $205.55 on the average assessment of $233,580.00.

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